Jumpers and Connectors
Reset Button (SW1)
SW1 is a push-button on the front panel. Pressing SW1 generates
a hard reset.
CF Master/Slave Setting (CN5)
CN5 is 3-pin jumper that can select CF device to be IDE master/
slave (see Figure 1b above for its location on the carrier board).
Clear CMOS (JP2)
JP2 is 3-pin jumper that can be used to clear the CMOS memory
(see Figure above for its location on the carrier board). The CMOS
RAM stores the real time clock (RTC) information, BIOS configura-
tion, and default BIOS setting. The CMOS is powered by the but-
ton cell battery when the system is powered off.
Slave (Default)
Table 2-4: CN5 CF Master/Slave Setting
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