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The Cinema Rhapsody has a hidden front panel power button that
permits you to remove power from the Cinema Rhapsody without
unplugging the Cinema Rhapsody’s power cord. Because the Cin-
ema Rhapsody’s rear panel power cord may be difficult to access,
this front panel power button is ideal when you wish to make certain
the unit remains off during lengthy periods of nonuse (vacation
switch), when you want to make certain the unit remains off (while
performing sensitive connections), or when you need to reset the
Cinema Rhapsody (explained below).
The Cinema Rhapsody operates on a microprocessor. Upon first
getting power (plugging in the Cinema Rhapsody’s AC cord), this
microprocessor powers up and remains on, even if the Cinema Rhap-
sody is off. The Cinema Rhapsody’s microprocessor will remain on
until the Cinema Rhapsody’s power cord is disconnected or the hid-
den power button is pressed. While having the microprocessor con-
stantly on, does not pose a problem for the Cinema Rhapsody, out-
side events may require you to reset the microprocessor. These
events might include electrical power outages or brownouts, power
surges, lightning storms, etc. If you are experiencing problems op-
erating your Cinema Rhapsody, problems that you did not experi-
ence before, try turning this button off, wait a few minutes, and then
turn the switch on again. If this does not solve your operational
problems, please contact your local ADA Dealer.
Please note, that if the Cinema Rhapsody’s hidden front panel Mas-
ter Power Button is in the (Out) off position, you will not be able to
turn the Cinema Rhapsody on from the front panel Volume Knob, an
IR remote control, an ADA keypad, or a touch screen system. When
this button is set to the off position, you must first push it in to the on
position, prior to using the Cinema Rhapsody.
ADA strongly recommends leaving this button on during normal day-
to-day use. Unless, you are planning to not use the system for a
long period of time, you will most likely leave this button in the on
Appendix C - Master Reset Power Button (Vacation Switch)
The Cinema Rhapsody has a
hidden front panel feature
which permits you to remove
power from the Cinema
Rhapsody, as if you were
removing the Cinema
Rhapsody’s power cord from
the AC outlet. The button is
located in the black plexiglass
display window area, to the
left side of the window (to the
left of the mode indicator
lamps). During operation,
this button is depressed and it
sits flush to the plexiglass
Please note, that this switch is
not intended to be used as an
on/off switch. When this
switch is off, you cannot turn
it on from a remote control or
Cinema Rhapsody
ALL -02.5 DB
Master Reset Power Button
Cinema Rhapsody