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The Cinema Rhapsody has two Factory Default recall options which
will reset certain Cinema Rhapsody features to configurations pro-
grammed at the factory. Please note, neither of the two Default
options will alter the audio and video links.
Input Label Factory Default Recall
To recall the Input Labels that are programmed by ADA:
Turn the MODE knob until the display reads SETUP MODE
and press the MODE knob.
Turn the MODE knob until the display reads ILLUMINATION
and press the MODE knob.
Turn the MODE knob until the ILLUMINATION % reads 88%.
Press the MODE knob and release. Do not turn any knob.
The top line of the display should now read SETUP MODE
and the second line of the display should read ILLUMI-
Press and hold the MODE knob for approximately ten sec-
onds. This will reset all the Input Labels to the factory
default settings. You can release the MODE knob when
the display reads INPUT LABEL on the top line and DE-
FAULT on the second line. At this time, the Cinema Rhap-
sody will restart itself automatically. Note that the Illumi-
nation level resets to 100%.
Channel Balance and Pro Setup Feature Recall
To reset all channels to an equal level and also reset the Bass Lim-
iter to Off, the PCM Scales for AC-3, Stereo, & Prologic based modes
to 100, all channel delays set to 0 dB, all Analog Gains to 0 dB, and
all Speaker System Configurations to 0:
Turn the MODE knob until the display reads SETUP MODE
and press the MODE knob.
Turn the MODE knob until the display reads ILLUMINATION
and press the MODE knob.
Turn the MODE knob until the ILLUMINATION % reads 89%.
Press the MODE knob and release. Do not turn any knob.
The top line of the display now reads SETUP MODE and
the second line of the display should read ILLUMINATION.
Press and hold the MODE knob for approximately ten sec-
onds. This will reset all the Input Labels to the factory
default settings. You can release the MODE knob when
the display reads FACTORY on the top line and DEFAULT
on the second line. At this time, the Cinema Rhapsody
will restart itself automatically. Note that the Illumination
level resets to 100%.
Appendix B - Resetting Factory Defaults
The Cinema Rhapsody has a
hidden option that permits
you to reset the ADA Factory
Defaults. These “out of the
box” settings can be recalled
in the event you wish to
reconfigure the Cinema
Rhapsody. Please note, that
the Factory Default options do
not reset all functions, such
as audio and video links,
default modes, volume
presets, time delays, etc.
There are two options
available when you wish to
return the Cinema Rhapsody
to ADA’s “out of the box”
configuration. One option
resets only the Input Label
names. Thus, if you
reprogrammed the Input
Labels to read something
other than the labels assigned
by ADA prior to delivery, you
can reset these labels without
affecting other Cinema
Rhapsody parameters.
Illumination is also reset to
100% during this procedure.
The second reset option will
balance all channels to an
equal level (at 0 dB Volume
Level). This reset procedure
will also set the Bass Limiter
to OFF, PCM Scale for AC-3,
Stereo, & Prologic to 100, all
delays to 0, Analog Gains to 0,
and Speaker System
Configurations to 0. Also,
Illumination is reset to 100%.