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The Cinema Rhapsody permits you to alter the intensity of the front
panel LCD display as well as the six indicators located to the left
side of the front panel. If you wish, you can lower the intensity from
100% to 0% (All Off). The Cinema Rhapsody’s Out Of The Box
Setup is set to full intensity (100% On). There is also an Auto setting
where the Cinema Rhapsody will automatically dim its display as
the ambient light in the room is lowered. The unit’s front panel fea-
tures a photo cell and when set to Auto, will cause the display to
increase with room light and darken as the room gets darker.
To alter the level:
Turn the MODE knob clockwise until the display reads SETUP
MODE and then press the MODE knob.
Turn the MODE knob clockwise to until the display reads
ILLUMINATION press the MODE knob. The top line of
the display will read ILLUMINATION and the second row
will read the current %.
Turn the MODE knob until the display reads the desired level
or the word AUTO (displayed with the current % level
based on the photo cell). Then press the MODE knob to
lock in that setting. Note, that as you change the level the
display increases or decreases in intensity. In Auto, the
display will darken as you place your hand over the front
panel’s photo cell.
Custom Setup - Display Illumination Level
While you can turn the Six
Quadrant Vector Scope of the
Cinema Rhapsody On and Off,
you can actually dim the rest
of the Cinema Rhapsody’s
front panel display to a %
level that you prefer or set it
to Auto where a photo-cell
determines the display’s
intensity. With the Auto
function, as a room gets
darker, the display dims.
The Cinema Rhapsody’s “Out
Of The Box” Setup has the
Cinema Rhapsody’s front
panel intensity level set to
100%. You can dim this
display, including the six
indicators to the left of the
front panel all the way down
to 0% (full off).
ALL -02.5 DB