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The Cinema Rhapsody has the ability to be controlled in a network
with other ADA Bus™ components, including multiple Cinema
Rhapsodys. As such, the Cinema Rhapsody has the ability to be
set to as many as 256 addresses. Typically, the factory default ad-
dress for the Cinema Rhapsody is Bus Address 0. At this address
setting, the Cinema Rhapsody operates with its infrared remote con-
When using the Cinema Rhapsody in an ADA Bus™ multi-zone au-
dio/video system, you may need to alter the address setting to have
the Cinema Rhapsody also operate in conjunction with that zone’s
ADA Bus™ keypad.
The Cinema Rhapsody also has a setting whereby the bi-drectional
control option via the ADA Bus™ jack is completely off. To select
this feature, set the Network Bus Address to “255”.
To change the Bus Address:
While in the Pro Setup mode, turn the MODE knob until the
display reads NETWORK BUS and then press the MODE
Turn the MODE knob until you have set the Network Bus to
the desired address setting (from 0 {default standard} to
254 - 255 turns the bidirectional control/feedback option
When you have the desired address setting on the Cinema
Rhapsody’s display, press the MODE knob to engage the
To exit the Network Bus Setup Mode without leaving the Pro
Setup Mode, press the MODE knob. If you wish to exit
the Setup Mode completely, turn any of the knobs other
than MODE or INPUT.
Pro Setup - Network Bus
The Cinema Rhapsody can be
set to one of 255 ADA Bus™
Address settings. The
standard factory default
address is “0”. This address
permits the Cinema Rhapsody
to be controlled by its infrared
remote control.