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Mode Indicators & How They Function
The Cinema Rhapsody features six indicators on the left side of its
front panel. They provide a visual indication of decoding mode, the
presence of an LFE (“.1” of “5.1”), and if a digital input is accessed.
While you can manually select modes, these indicators are an ideal
way to determine status when the Cinema Rhapsody is in the “Auto-
Mode Detection” state.
Three of the indicators are used to provide
status of the decoding mode, Dolby Pro
Logic, Dolby Digital (AC-3), or DTS. Typi-
cally, only one of these indicators is on at
any one time. If a mode other than a Dolby
or DTS mode is selected, none of the indi-
cators will be lit.
In the event you are playing a two-channel
digital source that was encoded in AC-3 (i.e.
an older movie on a DVD), the Cinema
Rhapsody will engage both Dolby Digital
decoding to extract the from the DVD and
then Dolby Pro Logic to decode the two
channel mix for playback. Both indicators will be on in this case.
The Cinema Rhapsody also permits the ad-
dition of full-blown THX enhancements to
Dolby Digital, DTS, or Dolby Pro Logic de-
coding formats. When THX is selected to
enhance these modes, the indicator will be lit.
Please note, the Cinema Rhapsody does not detect the presence of
THX as it is not an encoded process but rather an enhancement
process. Use THX mode for any cinematic sources. THX certifica-
tion to video tapes, laser discs, and DVDs is intended to ensure that
the material was properly mixed and transferred and does not di-
rectly relate to the THX certification of the Cinema Rhapsody. To
engage either full-blown THX or THX Re-EQ, you must do so manu-
ally on the Cinema Rhapsody.
The Cinema Rhapsody has two additional
indicators that detail information for digital
sources. The Digital indicator will illumi-
nate when a digital input is accessed. The
LFE indicator will light up if the digital source
material has an independent six channel encoded in it for bass or
“Low Frequency Effects” (LFE). If a source material (i.e. AC-3 or
DTS CD, Laserdisc or DVD), is truly “5.1” ( “.1” being the LFE or
subwoofer signal), the LFE indicator will light up.
Mode Indicators
The Cinema Rhapsody
features three mode
indicators that illuminate
when either Dolby Digital
(AC-3), Dolby Pro Logic, or
DTS decoding formats are
engaged. Typically, only one
of these three indicators are
on at any one time. However,
when playing a digitally
formatted source material (i.e.
DVD) of an older movie that is
only mixed with two-channel
audio, both the Dolby Digital
and Dolby Pro Logic will
illuminate indicating that both
decoding formats are being
implemented. If a decoding
mode other than DTS, Pro
Logic, or Dolby Digital is
selected, none of the
indicators will be on.
THX Enhancements
The THX indicator will
illuminate only when THX has
been selected in conjunction
with Dolby Digital, DTS, or
Dolby Pro Logic modes. THX
is not auto-detected but must
be intentionally engaged.
Digital & LFE Indicators
The Digital indicator will be lit
when a digital input is
selected. The LFE indicator
will be lit when a digital input
contains a distinct subwoofer
signal (only in DTS & AC-3).