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The Cinema Rhapsody provides you with the ability to engage a
Bass Peak Limit Manager that operates in a range from 0 dB (deci-
bels) to -24 dB. The function of the Bass Peak Limit Manager is to
reduce the possibility of overloading the subwoofer in cases of ex-
treme volume and/or software that provides extremely dynamic bass
information. If your subwoofer is capable of providing a large level
of bass without bottoming out, you may not need to engage the
Bass Peak Limit Manager. If however, you play your system at
volume levels that, on occasion, will cause your subwoofer to play
distorted audio segments, you will wish to engage the Bass Peak
Limit Manager.
The Cinema Rhapsody’s “Out Of The Box” setup has the Bass Peak Limit Manager set to OFF. There
are two different ways in which to set the Bass Peak Limit Manager. The BASS LIMITER is manual
and does not provide any subwoofer noise (as in Noise Test). To set the Bass Peak Limit Manager in
this manner requires that you listen to your subwoofer for distortion. The second option, BASS LIM-
ITER SET, engages subwoofer noise used to adjust the Bass Peak Limit Manager. You can use either
BASS LIMITER or BASS LIMITER SET to dial in the desired Bass Peak Limit Manager level. You do
not need to use both methods, thus select just one.
The Bass Peak Limit Manager has a range with the options of OFF or -24 dB up to 0 dB. The range
operates as such: As an example, assume that the Bass Peak Limit Manager is set to -12dB. During
operation, as the Master Volume Level is raised and goes above -12 dB, the volume of the subwoofer
channel will stop rising. As such, regardless of how loud the sound system gets (-11 dB all the way to
+10 dB), the bass level will never exceed -12 dB bass limit.
To turn on and adjust the Bass Peak Limit Manager using no test tones:
While in the Pro Setup Mode, turn the MODE knob clockwise until the display reads BASS
LIMITER and then press the MODE knob. The Cinema Rhapsody’s display will read BASS
LIMITER on the top line and the second line will read INITIALIZING and/or OFF or a num-
ber (-24 to 0 dB).
Turn the MODE knob until the display reads the desired setting for the Bass Peak Limit Man-
ager (OFF or -24 to 0 DB).
To exit the BASS LIMITER Setup Mode without leaving the Pro Setup Mode, press the MODE
knob. If you wish to exit the Setup Mode completely, turn any of the knobs other than
To turn on and adjust the Bass Peak Limit Manager using test tones:
While in the Pro Setup Mode, turn the MODE knob clockwise until the display reads BASS LIM
SET and then press the MODE knob. The Cinema Rhapsody’s display will read BASS LIM
SET on the top line and the second line will read INITIALIZING and/or OFF or a number
(-24 to 0 dB). Also, the test tone will automatically begin to emanate from the subwoofer.
Turn the MODE knob gradually and stop just prior to the subwoofer distorting.
Push the MODE knob once to both lock in the Bass Peak Limit Manager setting and to exit this
setup mode.
Note: Most active subwoofers have their built-in limiters set to “off”.
Pro Setup - Bass Peak Limit Manager
The Cinema Rhapsody
permits you to engage a Bass
Peak Level Manager which
will prevent the subwoofer
from distorting when playing
the system at high volume
levels that the subwoofer
cannot properly process.