Gen II
User Manual
12-11 – Honeywell Performance
Chapter 12
Revision 2.20,
If the engine is N1 DEEC equipped, the WARNING message below will be
displayed. The message indicates that the computer is not in the certified, factory
default mode. If power to the analyzer is lost for any reason, the N1 DEEC control
will not automatically return to its default, certified mode. In order to return the N1
DEEC computer to the default mode, you must cycle the N1 DEEC power switch any
time power to the analyzer is lost during a calibration run. Press the [F5] key to
acknowledge and continue.
The information screen below will be displayed. The OAT (outside air temperature)
and both the current N1 and N2 speeds will be displayed on the screen. Use this
temperature to calculate N1 for the day with the aircraft performance data. When the
power setting is calculated, advance the power lever to N1 for the day. When the ITT
is stable at N1 for the day, press [OK] to continue.