Gen II
User Manual
7-40 – Main Rotor Track & Balance
Chapter 7
Revision 3.00, Apr 2020
Chart Type: Press either the [
] or [
] keys to select the chart type. For this example, select
Sweep Only: This field is used when defining a chart that incorporates sweeping of the blades as
the only means of adjustment. If the chart you are defining uses only sweep moves,
select “YES” using either the [
] or [
] keys. Otherwise, leave this field set to
No Adjustment Bld/Pos.: This field is used to select one of the main rotor blades where the OEM
suggests that no adjustments be used. An optimized solution is provided by the
analyzer that requires no adjustments to the designated “No Adjustment Blade”.
Max ICF Update: This field is used to restrict the learning criteria for move-line length. The
example uses 100%. With 100% selected, any move line over 100% of the expected
length for a given adjustment, and the analyzer will not update the ICF. Using the
keypad, enter the desired parameter to be placed in the setup.
) (Rotation): This field is used to restrict the learning criteria for move line direction. The
example uses 45 degrees. With 45 degrees selected, any move line that falls more
than 45 degrees outside of the expected vector for a given adjustment, and the
analyzer will not update the ICF. Using the keypad, enter the desired parameter to be
placed in the setup.
BLD/Pos, UNIT, ADJ, IPS, and MoveLn:
Starting with any of the correction points on the chart, enter up to six characters for the
blade position name in the first field. This example will use positions “TARGET”, “T
AFT”, “BLANK”, and “B AFT”.
Press the [
] key and move to the “Unit” field, enter a three-character abbreviation for
the type of correction this position uses. This example will use the abbreviations “GMS”
to represent grams and “PTS” to represent points of sweep.
Press the [
] key and move to the next field. Enter the adjustment amount portion of the
ICF in the “Adj” field. The two amounts of adjustment in our example are “200.00”
grams and “2” points of sweep.
Press the [
] key and enter the amplitude reference for the amount of adjustment just
entered. For this example, the ICF for weight is 220 grams per 1.0 IPS, the ICF for sweep
is 2 points per 1.0 IPS, and therefore 1.0 is entered in this field.
Press the [
] key to move to the “MoveLn” field and enter the clock angle move line for
this point. For the “Add to TARGET” move line, the hour angle is 2, and the minute