MC97F6108A User’s manual
6. Interrupt controller
Comparator Flag Edge Register (CFEDGE)
Comparator Interrupt Flag Edge Register (CIEDGE) determined a level or an edge type of comparator
(comparator0 to comparator 4) flag.
Comparator Flag Polarity Register (CFPOLA)
Comparator Flag Polarity Register (CFPOLA) determines a level type from high and low level or
determined an edge type from rising and falling edge of comparator (comparator0 to comparator 4) flag.
Initially, default value is to occur interrupt at high level or rising edge.
Comparator Flag Both Edge Enable Register (CFBOTH)
Comparator Flag Both Edge Enable Register (CIBOTH) determines to enable the corresponding
comparator (comparator0 to comparator 4) flag to occur by both edges (no level). And the value of
CFEDGE and CFPOLA register are ignored.
Pin Change Interrupt Enable Register (PCI)
Pin Change Interrupt Enable Register (PCI) determines to enable the PCI interrupt of corresponding P1
port to occur by writing ‘1’.