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External electronic accessories | 8 - Ekip Com IEC 61850
8 - Ekip Com IEC 61850
Ekip Com IEC 61850
is a communication accessory which allows Ekip Touch to be integrated into an Ethernet
network with IEC 61850 communication protocol, with remote supervision and monitoring functions.
The module is configured as master and remotely, you can:
• read Ekip Touch measurements and information
• manage certain controls, including opening and closing the actuator
• access information and parameters not available on the display
• transmit vertical communication (report) to superior supervision systems (SCADA), with statuses and
measurements (re-transmitted whenever and only if they change with respect to the previous report)
• transmit horizontal communication (GOOSE) to other actuator devices (example: medium voltage
circuit-breakers), with all the information about status and measurements normally shared by Ekip Com
communication modules via bus.
• If connected to a withdrawable version of the circuit-breaker, the allows the racked-in/racked-out status
to be detected
the remote open and close commands of the circuit-breaker can only be executed if
Ekip Touch is in the Remote configuration
the circuit-breaker is equipped with the Ekip
Com Actuator module (page
The System Interface document is available for mapping the module in its communication network. All the
required communication and command details are listed in the document (page 139).
The document also describes the configuration files for the IEC 61850 protocol and relative uploading
procedure for assigning the Technical Name and enabling GOOSE messages if required (by setting the
relative MAC Addresses)
Depending on the parameter settings, described in the next pages, the ports used by the module are:
ISO Transport Service on top of the TCP (RFC 1006)
GOOSE Messages
123 UDP
NTP - Network Time Protocol
69 UDP
TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol
Safety and cyber security
The module uses the HTTPS protocol and can be connected to the Internet
Since the module allows the actuator connected to Ekip Touch and access to the data in the unit to be
checked, it can only be connected to networks equipped with all the necessary security and prevention
measures against unauthorized access (for example, the network of the control system of an installation).
it is the customer's sole responsibility to provide and continuously ensure a secure
connection between the module and customer network or any other network (as the
case may be). The plant manager must establish and maintain appropriate measures
(such as but not limited to the installation of firewalls, application of authentication
measures, encryption of data, installation of antivirus programs, etc.) to protect the
product, the network, the customer system and interface against any kind of security
breaches, unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, loss and/or theft of data or
ABB and its affiliates are not liable for damages and/or losses related to
such security breaches, unauthorized accesses, interference, intrusion, loss and/or
theft of data or information.
The module cannot be connected directly to the Internet. Only connect to dedicated
Ethernet networks
with IEC 61850 communication protocol