Protections | 15 - Additional protections and functions
81 | © 2020 ABB | 1SDH001821A1002 - ECN000135670
Continued from the previous page
Protection configuration is available in the Advanced menu (page 35)
Activates/deactivates the protection and its availability in the
parameters menu
Trip Enable
Activates/deactivates transmission of the open command: if disabled,
the alarm and exceedance of protection time are only managed as
Establishes curve dynamics and the threshold or trip time calculation:
• t= k: fixed time trip
• t= k/I
: inverse time-delay dynamic trip
t = k
Threshold I41
Establishes the value that activates the protection and contributes
towards calculating the trip time.
The value is given as both absolute value (Amperes) and relative value
(In) and can be set within the range: 0.1 In to 1 In, in 0.001 In steps
0,2 In
Time t41
It is the trip time or contributes towards timing calculation, depending
on the type of curve selected.
The value is given in seconds and can be set within the range:
• 0.05 s to 1 s, in 0.05 s steps for t=k
• 0.1 s to 1 s, in 0.05 s steps for t=k/I
with CB in UL configuration, the maximum settable value
of t41 is 0.4 s
0,4 s
Threshold I41
Warns that the measured current is near to the protection activation
The value is given in percentage of threshold I1 and can be set within
the range 50% I41 to 90% I41, in 1% steps.
The prealarm condition deactivates in two cases:
• current lower than prealarm threshold I41
• current higher than threshold I41
90 % I41
Activates/deactivates the function and selectivity time availability on
the display
• the function is only available with curve t = k
• if at least two of the selectivity G, Gext and MDGF are
enabled, the input and output are shared with the OR function; it
is sufficient that even a selectivity is activated to stimulate inputs
and outputs
Selectivity time
This is the trip time of the protection with the zone selectivity function
activated and selectivity input not present
The value is given in seconds and can be set within the range: 0.04 s
to 0.2 s, in 0.01 s steps
0,04 s
StartUp enable
Activates/deactivates the function and availability of the associated
parameters on the display
Protection threshold valid during Startup time, in the conditions in
which the function is activated
The value is given as both absolute value (Amperes) and relative value
(In) and can be set within the range: 0.2 In to 1 In, in 0.1 In steps
0,2 In
StartUp Time
This is the time for which the StartUp threshold remains activated and
is calculated from the moment the activation Threshold is exceeded
The value is given in seconds and can be set within the range: 0.1 s to
30 s, in 0.01 s steps
0.1 s
details on page 75
details on page 78
Limitations and additional functions
• in the presence of curve t= k/I
, the protection trip time is forced to t41 if the calculation results give a
theoretical value lower than t41 itself
• Ekip Touch activates and displays MDGF protection parameters if the presence of toroid MDGF has been
enabled in the Settings menu (page 37);
• the block functions and type of selectivity can also be accessed by means of the service connector (via
Ekip Connect) or communication via system bus (page 77)
• with CB in UL standard configuration, some parameters have different maximum values: I41 maximum =
1200A, Startup maximum = 1200A, t41 maximum = 400ms