Binding to the Enabled property
Connecting the
property of any control to a BOOL variable or IO signal may not work as
expected. The variable or signal may be inadvertently changed leading to unexpected behavior. Instead,
bind to a digital output where the
Access Level
is set to
A ScreenMaker cannot be deployed a controller with disabled Default User
Enable the Default User.
NumEditor in ScreenMaker disables the controls in a group box or panel
If you are using the NumEditor control in a group box or a panel, and that box or panel is enabled by an
input signal, then all other controls of that group or panel will become disabled if the editor is opened
and closed.
Button with multiple states in ScreenMaker app do not update the images if button is disabled
For an app which uses Buttons with multiple states connected to images that change depending on the
value of a RAPID variable, then if the button is disabled, the button shows the greyed image of the state
which was active when the disabled state was shown the first time.
ScreenMaker fails for RobotWare 5.12
ScreenMaker fails to build applications for RobotWare 5.12.
Update to a later RobotWare version.
A ScreenMaker application may fail to build if the DPI setting is not set to 100%
Certain UI controls in ScreenMaker may fail to build correctly if the DPI setting is not set to ‘Smaller –
The error message caused by this problem will read ‘System.Drawing.Font’ does not contain a
constructor that takes 2 arguments.
Set DPI to 100% on your PC.
File changes to FlexPendant applications does not load the changes until a FlexPendant reset
With RobotWare 6.0x the controller's restart will no longer reset the FlexPendant memory. This was part
of an effort to improve the restart time of the controller. This means that after placing a new
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