High impedance differential protection (PDIF, 87X)
Test/Function status/Differential protection/HighImpDifferential/HZPDIF
Displays up to three instances of HZPDIF with 3 measurements per instance. These
are the trip signal, the alarm signal and the measured RMS voltage on the secondary
side of the CT.
Distance protection
Distance protection values are viewable in the submenus of the Distance protection
folder in the HMI. Information such as trip and start signals, trip output, trip categories
etc. is provided.
Phase selection with load encroachment (PDIS, 21)
Test/Function status/Distance Protection/PhaseSelection(PDIS)/PHS
Displays one instance of PHS with 19 measurements. These measurements show
faults detected per phase as well as start conditions.
Distance protection zones (PDIS, 21)
Test/Function status/Distance Protection/DistanceZones(PDIS)/ZM
Displays up to five instances of ZM with nine measurements per instance of ZM. The
output quantities shown here indicate trip and start signal status.
Power swing detection (RPSB, 78)
Test/Function status/Distance protection/PowerSwingDetection(RPSB)/PSD1
Displays one instance of PSD with three measurements. These indicate a power swing
and show the measured impedances for the inner and outer impedance boundaries.
Automatic switch onto fault logic (PSOF)
Test/Function status/Distance protection/AutomaticSOTF(PSOF)/SOTF
Displays one measurement (TRIP).
Current protection
Viewable data under Current protection consists mainly of trip status data under the
various categories of current protection which include overcurrent protection, thermal
overload, pole discordance and variations of these.
Section 11
Test the IED
Operator's manual
1MRK504049-UEN rev. D
RET 670