The Event function menu consists of 20 sets of settable parameters (EV01–EV20)
where the SPA channel mask, LON channel mask, Event mask and minimum
repetition interval can be set.
Binary signal status report
Settings/General settings/Monitoring/Binary signal status report
The Binary signal status report settings consist of three sets of settable parameters
(SSR1–SSR3) with one settable parameter per instance.
IEC 60870–5–103
Settings/General settings/Monitoring/IEC 60870–5–103
The IEC 60870–5–103 part of the settings menu is divided into two separate
submenus. These are Measurements and Disturbance report. In the Measurements
menu there are four sets of measurement settings, one with standard settings and three
with user defined settings. The standard settings include some standard service value
In the Disturbance report menu Binary signal parameters on up to 96 channels are
Under metering there are settings for the Pulse counter function. There are four
instances of the Pulse counter function. Each instance can be switched on or off and
a number of parameters can be adjusted.
Pulse counter logic (GGIO)
Settings/General settings/Metering/PulseCounter
In the Pulse counter folder there are 16 instances of the pulse counter function (PC).
Each instance has 1 setting and four settable parameters. The setting “operation” is
used to turn the function on or off. The parameters are adjusted to change cycle times,
pulse counter criteria and the like.
Section 9
Read and change settings
Operator's manual
1MRK504049-UEN rev. D
RET 670