Includes settings for the IED name, operation (on/off) and GOOSE.
GOOSE Binary receive
Settings/General settings/Communication/Station communication/
There are up to ten sets of settings here with one parameter (GB 01– GB10) per setting.
The setting is
ON or OFF.
Settings/General settings/Communication/Station Communication/
Includes up to 59 parameters (GR01–GR59) for horizontal communication via
GOOSE. Each instance or set can be switched on or off via the operation parameter.
Analog modules
Under Analog modules in the General settings menu there are settings for Analog
inputs and I/O modules. Within each instance of analog input there are settings for
all 12 channels that include the name of the channel, star point of the CT circuit, the
primary and secondary values from the measuring transformers (CTs and VTs). The
channel type and ratings are shown but cannot be changed.
The settings for binary inputs and outputs even include the milliampere input
modules. A mix of up to 14 instances of BIM, BOM and IOM is possible depending
on the physical configuration of the IED. Operation ON or OFF can be set for all of
these and for the BIMs oscillation release and oscillation block settings are available.
These settings are on board level and apply to all binary inputs or outputs on a board.
Analog modules
Settings/General Settings/Analog modules/AnalogInputs
Displays all variations of analog input modules with parameters. The analog input
modules have different combinations of current and voltage inputs. Each channel has
parameters where the type of channel is set, the primary and secondary values from
VTs and CTs and for Current Transformers the star point location (line side or busbar
side) is set.
I/O modules
Settings/General Settings/I/O Modules
Settings for binary inputs and outputs (BIM, BOM, IOM), and under each binary
module there are one or more adjustable parameters. In the I/O modules folder there
is also a “reconfigure” setting that starts a dialog box prompting the user to confirm
Section 9
Read and change settings
Operator's manual
1MRK504049-UEN rev. D
RET 670