Purchase and install tenant-breaker models as indicated on
the rating label on the model:
Use the mounting screws included in the breaker package to
fasten the breaker to the plate. Do not torque mounting
screws completely.
Use the 5/16 diameter bolt, 5/16 spring-washer and 5/16 flat
washers, included in the breaker package to fas-ten the
breaker straps to the module busbars. Torque to 170 in-lbf.
Complete the fastening of the breaker to its mounting plate by
torquing the mounting screws to 10 in-lbf.
THQL/ THHQL are plug-in type breakers
All other breakers are bolt-on.
Installation of A1 breaker:
Mount breaker on its plate, with the straps aligned with
busbars on the meter-module
The breaker is ready to receive load conductors.
Torque the conductors as per indication on the breaker itself.
Torque to 170 in-lbf
Torque to 10 in-lbf
Tenant-breakers installation
Formula A1 Frame
Tenant Breaker
Hazardous Voltage can cause serious injury or death.
Lock out power before working inside the unit.