Enclosure ganging:
Electrical ganging:
Meter-covers which are over the horizontal main busbars need
to be removed before meter-modules can be ganged.
Removal of meter-covers:
Tighten the main bus joints until the shear nut breaks off,
or to 840 in-lbf.
Power tools are not recommended as the shear nut
will be damaged during installation.
Once the top-nut is sheared, discard it.
Sheared top-nut left inside the unit can be an
electrical hazard
Install the endcaps that are supplied with main-breaker,
main-switch and main-lug modules on each end of the
completed ganging.
The left endcap to the left side, when facing installation.
Torque nut to 26 in-lbf.
The right endcap to the right side, when facing installation.
Torque nut to 26 in-lbf.
Top-fed line conductors:
Remove the hub closure plates from the main-module top
end-wall, and install the mounting hubs required.
Apply appropriate sealant around the mounting hub edge and
the mounting screws to maintain NEMA 3R enclosure rating.
NEMA 3R mounting hubs to be used on the units are:
Mounting hubs are sold separately.
Bottom-fed line conductors:
Bottom end-walls on main-modules can be removed from
the enclosure to ease the punching of holes for bot-tom-fed
conduit and conductors. the mounting screws to maintain
NEMA 3R enclosure rating.
The embosses on the left and right ganging plates
need to mate to assure proper enclosure ganging.
When the embosses mate, the formed lips
embed to prevent rain to enter the units.
Formed lips imbed within each other to prevent
rain to enter the units. No gasket is required.
For ring-type covers, remove
the sealing ring, pull-up the
cover latch. Once latch pulled
up, pull the bottom of the
cover towards you, to remove
the cover.
Slide the modules together, assuring main-busbars intertwine,
and that ganging bolts go through holes of the right-side
Using the special nut, fasten the enclosures together. Torque
to 26 in-lbf. The nut can be initially installed manually, and the
final torque can be applied with several choices of tools.
Large Hub opening 2-inch conduit
Large Hub opening 2.5-inch conduit
Large Hub opening 3-inch conduit
Large Hub opening 3.5-inch conduit
Large Hub opening 4-inch conduit
Install the two ganging bolts
to the left-side module.
For ringless covers, unlatch
the latch from the hasp. Pull
the bottom of the cover
towards you, to remove the