2101510MNA H | NGC82 00 AN D P GC 1000 US ER MA NUA L |
Calculation Settings
Current Calculation File
GPA-2172-1996(AGA8), ISO-6976-1995, etc.
See note 1.
Sum IC5 and NeoC5
No (default), Yes
C6+ Index Split Mode.
See note 2.
Select one of the 3 following options:
User-defined with C6+ Reported
(Default). The selection will
use what the user enters on the C6+ split ratios. All values, the
C6+ value and the individual split values, are transmitted if
Pre-defined C6+ Splits
. Select one of the following:
47.466% C6 35.340% C7 17.194% C8
50% C6 50% C7 0% C8
50% C6 25% C7 25% C8
57.143% C6 28.572% C7 14.285% C8
User-Defined C6+ Not Reported
. The selection will use what
the user enters on the C6+ split ratios. Only the split values (not
the C6+ value) are transmitted, if required.
C6, C7, C8, C9, C10
Used to enter split percentages, if desired.
Note 1: File selection automatically sets the remainder of the items on this screen. See PCCU Help
files for more information.
Note 2: A selection in this field (other than User-defined) will override any values in the C6+ Split
Percent area of the Stream Setup screen. See the
Stream Setup: Component Splits
help topic on
PCCU32 for more information.
Set up calibration
At the
tab (
) verify that each process stream is set up to use the
correct calibration stream (Stream 4 is the default).
Figure 6-25: Calibration setup