2101510MNA H | NGC82 00 AN D P GC 1000 US ER MA NUA L |
For more information about enabling the diagnostics in PCCU, click
and then
10.17 Replace the GC Module
This section presents the procedures for the removal and installation of the GC module. The module is
a completely self-contained device and is part of the analytical module. Read through all procedural
steps before removing the assembly.
Before beginning the procedure, verify that the replacement module is appropriately rated for the
system voltage. Compare the module voltage to the ID tag located on the side of the enclosure.
NOTICE – Equipment damage.
When the GC module is removed, the module should be
placed on a clean, dirt-free work surface. It is important that the bottom surface of the
module be placed on a clean, lint free cloth to prevent its base from being scratched or
damaged. The gas sample flow line openings should be free of foreign contaminants.
If the GC module is not being immediately replaced, put the thermal flask back in place to
prevent the mandrel from being scratched or damaged and to keep the gas sample flow line
openings free of foreign contaminants. Also, be careful with the miniature D type connector
To replace the GC module:
On the Analyzer Operation screen, click
under Next Mode. When the device completes the
current cycle and enters hold, continue to the next step.
Collect data from the device.
Back up the configuration files following the instructions detailed in section
Using the
instructions, verify that the battery status is ok before
Turn off all sample streams, calibration gas and carrier gas.
Disconnect or remove the power from the device externally, or remove the J1 connector from
the termination panel.
Gain access to the digital controller assembly by loosening the countersunk hex socket locking
set screw in the front end cap using a 1/16” hex wrench then unscrewing the end cap.
Following the instructions detailed in section
remove the assembly. If weather and
circumstances permit, the digital controller assembly may be suspended by the cables to
eliminate stress on cable connections and you can move to step 10. If conditions are adverse,
continue to step 9.
Carefully unplug the cable to the termination panel, leaving the lithium battery plugged in, and
set the digital controller assembly aside on a clean, lint-free surface.
10. Unscrew the thermal flask counterclockwise (see
). When loose, lift the flask from
the device and set aside.
11. Unscrew the oven wall counterclockwise (oven wall may be hot).
WARNING, HOT SURFACE – Bodily injury.
The oven wall may be hot. Wear protective gear
to prevent burns.
12. Once the oven wall is loose, lift the cylinder from the GC module and set aside.