As an owner/user of Cantar, you
should regularly visit
to get the newest manual and lat-
est Cantar or Majax softwares.
Your first visit
click on ‘create an account’.
. key-in your details, don’t forget
the country, [enter].
After a few sec., you receive a
mail with a password.
. key-in this password and your ad-
dress in the login page.
Your next visits
If you forgot your password, click
‘forgotten password’.
. key-in your email address.
. if your address is found in the
Cantar database, your password is
instantly sent to your box.
. key-in your password.
The Cantar softwares are acces-
sible to owners only.
If you rent a Cantar, please ask the
owner to download and install the
latest version for you.
No Firewire connection
should be done from G3 G4 G5
Mac desktops to Cantar; first
extract the internal hard drive and
connect it to the MacIntosh, see
‘Cantar Hdd outside’ end of the
Backup pages.
This doesn’t apply to laptops.
Sharing ideas
Exchange tips and ideas with your
peers and propose improvements, on
the Cantar users’ list:
Pics on the road
Send us pictures of your Cantar at
work. Join the credits, film title, direc-
tor etc., we will put them on:
Keep in touch
France +33 4 7642 9550