Cantar v1.29 user manual 2004 Sept 28
15 Temp °C
Lcd+02 Hd-12
If the display heater option is
monitors its
temperature control activity. It
takes about fifteen minutes to
reach the +2°C to +4°C equilibrium in a -15°C
environment. To save power Cantar should be in a
carrying bag. In low temp, the pos. 5 of the meter
speed is recommended.
monitors the Cantar internal temperature.
Below -5°C, a low temp specified Hdd such as the
Hitachi Endura must be installed.
16 Eqpt & Softw
17 Software Install
No Yes
• Get the latest firmware (can_1xx.flb) and put it on
your Mac/PC desktop.
As a registered owner you can get it from
• Plug the two on-board batteries to be 100% sure
there is no power interruption during the following
operations. Start Cantar up, simultaneously pressing
the batt-1 and batt-2 buttons.
• Unmount the Hdd (first TECH parameter), then con-
nect Cantar to your computer by Firewire, the Cantar
internal Hdd shows on the PC/Mac laptop screen.
No MAC G3 G4 G5 desktop connection, read and use
‘Cantar Hdd outside’ page 21.
• Copy the can_1xx.flb file to the root of the Cantar
Hdd, then dump the disk icon out of your computer
desktop, and disconnect the Firewire cable.
• Remount the Cantar internal Hdd by rotating the
main selector to any other position than TECH.
• Once the Hdd shows (the leftmost disk icon is
no longer blinking) go to TECH–> Software Load,
OK, –>Yes, OK.
• If several versions are present on the Cantar disk,
choose the latest and press OK.
• All Cantar controls are out of commission dur-
ing the one minute software installation. Do not
touch anything until you read SUCCESS.
• Close the install session and shut Cantar down
by pressing the [shift] blue button.
• Rotate the main selector to STOP, then restart
Cantar up.
• Go to TECH –> ‘Software Version’ and check
that the new version is installed.
Cantar is protected against corrupted firmware
installation, if the new firmware version doesn’t
show up, redownload it from the Aaton site.
Note that you can install the N-n version by the
same process.
Software installation can also be performed
through an external Firewire connected disk. Plug
the disk to your computer and copy the (can_1xx.
flb) file to the upper level of the disk. Unplug it
and hook it up to the Cantar Firewire port. This
works because when installing a software version,
Cantar first looks for files on an external Hdd. If
none are found, then Cantar looks for files on the
internal drive.
Tech set (b)