Cantar v1.29 user manual 2004 Sept 28
(select Save As...). Put it into the ‘Scan Control’
folder which is the Titan directory. The option will
then appear in the file selection rules.
The way the CantarRules works is to use the first
6 digits from the file name and first 6 digits from
the ‘sound roll’ name in the EDL; then to look for
a number preceeding the .wav which identifies the
channel. For multi channel files the track will de-
fault to 1 if no track number is found. The Cantar-
Rules handles the identifiers which replace the (_)
on MS (-) and mixdown (+) stereo pairs.
5+1 surround
SoundField or Schoeps mics, there is no need for a
special decoder, Cantar has it all, built-in!
If you use the Schoeps double-MS l-c-r-sl-sr head
made of two cardioid and one figure-of-eight
microphones, a decoding accessory is not needed.
Schoeps delivers an XLR-7 extension cable to
which a home made XLR-7–>XLR-5/XLR-3
Y cable should be connected.
• XLR-7 female: 1= gnd, 2=+Mfront, 3=–Mfront,
4=+Sfront, 5=–Sfront,
6=+Mrear, 7=–Mfront.
• XLR-5 male: 1=gnd, 2=+M front, 3=–M front,
4=+S front, 5=–S front.
(yellow, red).
• XLR-3 male: 1=gnd, 2=+M rear, 3=–M rear
• The XLR-5
goes to the 3/4 mic inputs. Routed
to tracks 3 and 4 which should be MS declared,
the output is automatically left/right decoded for
The track 3 & 4 digi-faders being at 100%, the
front stereo is heard.
• The XLR-3
goes to the 5 mic-input and is routed
to track 5; the pan pot of this track should be put
in central position (mono listening). The track 3
digi-fader being at 0% and the digi-fader 5 at 100%,
the monitoring output becomes the sum of the
S figure of eight mic on track 4 (a+ a–) and the
M rear mic on track 5, the rear stereo is heard.
It is thus easy to alternately listen to the front or
rear MS; or both with a 5+1 double capsule head-
Export the Cantar files into a Pyramix. As the files
are monophonic BWF, the multifilefixer will make a
three track media. First replace the underscore of
the track five filename by an hyphen, e.g. AA0021_
5.wav becomes AA0021-5.wav.
Launch Pyramix and make two MS strips, one for
the front, one for the rear: lay down the three
track media on the MS tracks (the Pyramix CW
center width), copy the track two «S front» onto
the track four which becomes «S rear». Reinject
the M front onto the surround of the MS front.
On top of that you can also make an extraction
for the ‘sub’. Here is your 5+1 sound.
* as experimented by Francois Musy and Gabriel
Hafner / NSM Switzerland.
Tutorials (c)