Cantar v1.29 user manual 2004 Sept 28
Majax for Cantar
Available on
Mac/PC application brings many helpful func-
tions to Cantar users : it pans & p
lays eight tracks
on a simple laptop audio card with ±12dB (3dB
steps) level adjustment ; corrects scene&take IDs
and adds comments within the BWF files then
generates long filenames out of them ; mixes eight
24bit solotracks into two 16bit tracks then interlea-
ves them into one interleaved stereo polytrack ; in-
terleaves up to eight solotracks into one polytrack ;
generates a human readable TXT and a machine
readable ALE sound report per working day.
AtonXfer for Avid v7
The AtonXfer BWF–>OMF converter ensures the
importation of BWF sounds w/. timecode into old
Avid v7 film composers.
This application, made for old Avid v7, runs on Mac
v9; it is available for free on
(only InDaw and Cantar recorded files can be
1. The AtonXfer2 icon should permanently stay on
the Macintosh desktop.
2. The CD-R carrying the InDaw recorded .bwf
files must be copied onto one of the Mac hard-
drives (most CD-R readers are not fast enough to
directly feed the AtonXfer converter).
3. Drag the .bwf files (no .txt, no .idf nor .idw files)
onto the AtonXfer icon.
The .bwf to .omf conversion of a two channel, 16
bit file on a Mac G4 machine is performed in one
tenth the audio real time. Since the files are first
copied to the available physical RAM for processing,
make sure you have more physical RAM than the
individual files you are converting. They must fit
within the RAM. Virtual memory will NOT work.
4. Conversion done, import the .omf files into the
project where they will be available for play once
parsed under AIFF.
5. To perform a ‘group sync’, copy and paste the
‘Snd-TC’ column into the ‘Auxilliary-TC’ column of
the audio bin, and copy and paste the camera ‘Film
TC’ column into the ‘Auxilliary-TC’ column of the
image bin.
6. If the Avid shows ‘TC not matching’, verify that
the sound and film dates are
, not only
showing the same
but the same
, e.g.
Year/Month/Day 2004-09-24 (NOT 09 24 04). If
not, batch-modify the incorrect date column.
Auto-Sync on Avid v7
1. The Avid v7 should be a FilmComposer.
2. The files should have been bounced to 16bit, po-
lyphonic, .bwf extension files; they should have been
OMF converted through AtonXfer.
3. On the Avid, before performing a ‘group sync’,
paste the Snd-TC values into the Aux-TC column in
order to match the film-TC moved in its own Aux-
TC column too.
4. Copy the ‘shoot date’ column of the bin into an
‘Aaton date’ column in which wrong date entries can
be corrected; place this column before the ‘Aux-TC’
(where the film-TC is stored), key [apple/e] to sort
the files by ascending date & time. If the Avid shows
‘TCs not matching’, verify that sound and film dates
are identical, i.e. carrying the same day and the same
Full-Year/Month/Day syntax, e.g. 2001-09-23. If not,
batch modify the date.
See below the Avid v11 ‘EDL Manager’ settings for
Protools/Titan-3 auto-conforming.
Titan3 auto-confo (Avid Edls to
1. The original monophonic files (solotracks)
should have been bounced into one polyphonic
two track stereo file, 16 or 24bit, .wav or .bwf. The
Avid creates an audio bin on the desktop.
Note: monophonic files are not very digestible
for most Avid machines, they should be grouped
(synced) before performing the audio/video sync
on old filmcomposers. To avoid that burden and
save time it is recommended to bounce them (with
Cantar or Majax) into one polyphonic stereo file
before importing them.
2. Once the CD/DVD are copied to the composer
HDD you can instantly auto-sync images and
sounds by importing the InDaw made ALEs which
carry the video/audio sync points. Please apply
the ‘3&4’ instructions found in ‘Syncing audio on
Avid v7’ above. If the sync operation has not been
ensured on an InDaw, slate syncing must be done
manually, the good old classic way.
3. Before editing, the TapeID column which carries
the Cantar TakeTags (CZ7845) should be duplicated
[Apple•D] and put into the SoundRoll column of the
audio bin.
4. When it comes to generate the edit list with the
Avid EDL Manager, select SoundRoll instead of Tape
as the source, and select Trunc End = 8 characters.
5. For a film shot at 24fps, select ‘Output-24’ even
if the film has been transfered in ‘PalVideo’.
6. The EDL must be CMX 3600 and can only
contain four audio tracks and no video.
7. The Titan-3 Protools Session maker must be
loaded with the latest ‘Cantar rules’ plug-in, see
Titan3 CantarRules
If your Titan-3 doesn’t feature the CantarRules
option, it can be downloaded from
Tutorials (b)