Cantar v1.29 user manual 2004 Sept 28
11 o’clock
This selector position is unique
to Cantar, it gathers three essen-
tial functions: prerecord activa-
tion, take descriptor keying and file erasing.
Precording Buffer
The main selector being on PPR, the pre-record
buffer stores the sounds in a First-in/First-out (Fifo)
buffer memory and dumps them to the Hdd as
soon as REC is activated. The •REC icon blinks
under the disk(s) selected for recording. Once the
buffer is full, and the FIFO starts emptying the first-in
sound, the disk icon central platter disappears. This
is a way to check the pre-record buffer length. This
length is programmed (up to 35sec @48kHz) in
Take Descriptor Input
While the main selector is on the Pre-Post-Record
position, scene and take IDs can be entered before
or after the recording of a given take.
Entering descriptors before Rec.
The default Scene & Take template goes like this :
Sequence = 3 f a b c d e r s t and space.
Scene = 2 f a b c d e r s t and space.
Gender = (w) for wild take, (p) for pick-up, (t) for
sync sound
Take# = 2 figures.
The Gender entry is done by scrolling w>p>t with
the main selector red button. The slate-sync sign is
(t) since (s) was confusing some users.
Using the horizontal arrows, move along the IDs and
increment them with the jog. Press OK to store,
press again to exit. The Seq/Scn of the preceding file
is maintained and the Take is incremented by one.
Modifying the Seq/Scn IDs makes the Take fold back
to 1. The message panel shows the filename of the
‘NEXT’ recording. To use another Sc&Tk template,
go to AUDIO SET.
Editing descriptors after Rec.
Once the recording is done, move the main selector
back to PPR. The Scene &Take IDs and the filename
of the future recording show. Press [shift•central
button], the data panel displays ‘Edit’ plus the file-
name and the Sc&Tk IDs of the last recorded file.
Press OK and use arrows and Jog as explained in
the preceding paragraph. Press OK to confirm, then
[shift•central button] to close. Descriptors can later
be modified by selecting the file to edit in BROWSE,
then going to PPR, and performing the same editing
operations as above.
PPR File Shortening
To divide a file being recorded into shorter files and
enter a new Sc&Tk ID, make a quick REC to PPR to
REC. A new file is created which carries the same
scene ID but take +1. Not one audio sample is lost.
A short silent overlap is added to ease the splicing
work in post.
Depending upon operator’s decision or archiving
requirements, an automatic file closing and reope-
ning takes place during REC. Four length settings
are available: 260MB (30min at 24Bit, 48Ks/s), 690MB
(CD-R capacity), 2.0GB (FAT32 default setting), 4GB
(InDaw max. handling). The filetag is auto-incremen-
ted and the descriptor remains the same.
PPR File Erasing
If the file you’ve just recorded is a false start,
you might want to get rid of it. Open ‘Edit’ by
[Shift•central white button], click on the right arrow
or jog to get ‘Erase’. Press OK. Jog the “No” into
“Yes”, press OK to delete. To protect previous files
from manipulation errors, Cantar only erases the
last file; the latest main-selector position must have
been RECORD; and the power supply must not
have been switched off.
Note that “file” represents a “file group” sharing the
same Filetag, e.g. CD2234 represents the mono-
phonic files from CD2234_1 to CD2234_8..
To erase and format the complete HDD,
see the
SESSION chapter.