Cantar v1.29 user manual 2004 Sept 28
Monitoring the out-
6 o’clock
This selector position opens
access to the creation/modifi-
cation of the many grids which
connect the Mic, Line, AES inputs and Tracks to
the Cantar outputs. They are all instantly accessible
through the Config crown (wet forests and chilly
winds included).
Four Independant Banks
totally different signals can be sent to the head-
phones, to the four analog otputs (two lines and
two foldbacks) and to two AES outputs for HD
(position [2] of the monitoring crown)
Seventeen user’s grids A to Q + MX can be pro-
grammed for the headphones
(position [3] of the monitoring
LineO-MX LineO-R
Nine user’s grids R to Z + MX are sent to the two
Line-out channels.
(position [4] of the monitoring
Nine user’s grids R to Z + MX are sent to the two
Foldback-out channels.
out (position [5] of the monitoring crown)
Nine user’s grids R to Z + MX are sent to the two
AES7/8-output channels.
Note: for fast access, the mixdown output (Mx) al-
ways is available as the first choice of each bank.
A special position [1] of the monitoring crown is
used to scan and send the 31 in/out signals running
in Cantar to the headphones.
The Solo level shows on the rightmost modulome-
Mic Solos
can be momentarily monitored by
pressing the mic-filter button (2) and the
Track So-
by pressing the track solo buttons, see ‘Compar-
ing Tracks’ in the REC chapter.
Check the grid in use
In TEST, PPR and REC, the monitoring configuration
in use shows by pressing the main selector [white]
central button. As long as it is held down the three
circular displays representing the
left, center and
channels provide a quick overview of the mon-
itoring grids without affecting the ongoing work.
Create/Modify a grid
Main selector on MON-OUTS,
create an headphone ‘hA’ grid
in which track 3 goes
to the ear, track 4 to the right and tracks 1 & 2 to
the center (mono).
Put the monitoring crown in pos [2], [Ph] shows.
Rotate the config crown to [hA]. The selection cur-
sor blinks near the star
sign of the leftmost display.
Jog the cursor to the ‘track4 box’ of the left display
(left ear icon), press the main selector [black] but-
ton to confirm / [red] button to erase. Then Jog to
track1 and track2 boxes of the central display, then
track3 of the right display (right ear icon).
Create a foldback ‘fA’ grid
in which mic-5 directly
goes to the foldback left channel output.
Put the monitoring crown in pos [4], [Fb] shows.
Rotate the config crown to [fA]. The selection cur-
sor blinks near the star
sign of the leftmost display.
Jog the cursor to the ‘Mic5 pixel’ on the left display,
press the [black] button to confirm.
In TEST & REC the AES-out 1 to 6 deliver the signals
sent to tracks 1 to 6. Called Dig-Out, the 7&8AES-
out deliver stereo signals of the same nature as
those delivered on the Phone, Line-Out and Fold-
back outputs.
It is recommended to use the 7&8 AES outputs
when it comes to send a
stereo mixdown to a video
featuring built-in AES inputs (such as the
Sony HD-Cam F900-SR) or to a standard beta cam-
era equipped with a miniature AES-to-Analog ste-
reo converter. Select [Do] = MX.
Note on AES in/out
The power consumption of the sample rate converters
and line drivers of the AES circuits is 110mA at 48Ks/s
and 200mA at 96Ks/s it is wise to put them off if AES is
not used. As soon as an AES in/out is requested by the
routing/monitoring selection, the display starts flashing
to remind the operator to switch the AES power on.
Factory presets
Twenty six MON-OUTS factory configurations are
stored as start-up templates..