3e–525A–3 Wireless Access Point
Chapter 3: Access Point Confi guration
29000167-001 B
Local Confi guration Upgrade
On the
System Administration — System Upgrade
screen, click on
Local Confi guration Upgrade
tab to upload and download confi gura-
tion fi les to access points connected to the network.
To upload a confi guration fi le, select the fi le using the browse but-
ton and enter the passphrase for that fi le. The passphrase protects the fi le
from unauthorized users. It prevents unauthorized users from applying
the system confi guration fi le to an unauthorized AP to gain access to the
network. Before downloading the system confi guration fi le to a local com-
puter, the user must enter a passphrase to protect the fi le. Before the sys-
tem confi guration fi le can be uploaded onto another AP, the passphrase
must be entered on the remote AP.
The confi guration fi le can be tagged with a 12 character tag to keep
track of the confi guration fi le as it is transferred to other APs.