Maintaining Groups
Figure 6
AUTOEXEC.NCF File for Two Groups of NICs
Server Feature Commands
server feature commands for NetWare can
be used to create sophisticated configurations of groups
and for troubleshooting. You can enter them at the
NetWare command line or add them to the appropriate
NCF file. The commands are summarized below.
As shown in the examples, all commands are preceded by
the keyword
This command creates groups from specified slot
parameters for primary and secondary NICs.
load se
load lbrsl
;Define Group 1 primary NIC slot-frame instances
load 3c980 slot=10001 frame=ethernet_802.2 name=p1_802.2
load 3c980 slot=10001 frame=ethernet_ii name=p1_ii
;Define Group 1 secondary NIC slot-frame instances
load 3c980 slot=10002 frame=ethernet_802.2 name=p2_802.2
load 3c980 slot=10002 frame=ethernet_ii name=p2_ii
load 3c980 slot=10003 frame=ethernet_802.2 name=p3_802.2
load 3c980 slot=10003 frame=ethernet_ii name=p3_ii
;Define Group 2 primary NIC slot-frame instances
load 3c980 slot=10004 frame=ethernet_802.2 name=p4_802.2
load 3c980 slot=10004 frame=ethernet_ii name=p4_ii
;Define Group 2 secondary NIC slot-frame instances
load 3c980 slot=10005 frame=ethernet_802.2 name=p5_802.2
load 3c980 slot=10005 frame=ethernet_ii name=p5_ii
;Bind protocols to primary NICs
bind ipx to p1_802.2 net=FF02
bind ip to p1_ii address= mask=ff.ff.ff.00
bind ipx to p4_802.2 net=FF04
bind ip to p4_ii address= mask=ff.ff.ff.00
;Create Group 1 with NIC 10001 primary
;and NICs 10002 and 10003 secondary
lbrsl group lb 10001 10002 10003
;Create Group 2 with NIC 10004 primary
;and NIC 10005 secondary
lbrsl group lb 10004 10005
;To create resilient server link groups without load balancing
;use the rsl option:
;lbrsl group rsl 10001 10002 10003
;lbrsl group rsl 10004 10005