P O Box 159 • Crestwood, KY 40014 • (877) 243-0042 • (502) 243-0039 fax
the bottom of the display.
Note: These limits can be adjusted at any time without affecting
your data.
Setting the sensor alarms
Highlight ‘Set Alarm’ and touch ‘Enter’.
The alarm for this sensor is disabled by default. To enable the alarm touch 'Up' and then 'Enter'.
Set the trigger-alarm-time to any value between 0:00 and 99:00. This controls how long the
alarm will sound and the relay will be closed.
Note: If
you are using an auto-dialer set it for at least 00:22 (22 seconds) but not
longer than 06:00 (Six minutes).
Scroll in the alarm upper limit and delay time and then the alarm lower limit and its delay
time with 'Up’ and ‘Down’ touching 'Enter' to move to each field in turn.
The delay time is how long the temperature must remain above (or below) the set
temperature before the alarm occurs. This helps prevent false alarms.
You do not need to enter the Calibration Menu at this time. (
For calibration procedures see the
document Entitled ‘Calibration Procedures’ found on the support page of the
website. It can also be downloaded from our website
Touch 'Escape'
until you return to the Status Screen.
You are done!