ZyXEL Confidential
goes to Wizard, then you can see the XBOX is selected.
Condition: N/A
5. [BUG FIX]
Symptom: In MBM Web/GUI, add a FTP class in advance setting and delete it then the
FTP connection will get problem.
Condition: N/A
Symptom: In MBM Wizard finish page, add a button to return to main page.
Condition: N/A
7. [BUG FIX]
Symptom: Leave the device with default setting for over night and no traffics, the
system will get memory leakage
Condition: The default WLAN channel is very busy, and cause Beacon failure
Solution: When WLAN restart, system should use the same memory block that is
already allocated.
8. [BUG FIX]
Symptom: Change MBM bandwidth in advance summary page and then the device
gets reboot.
Condition: N/A
9. [BUG FIX]
Symptom: In MBM advance setting, disable filter in class setting but doesn’t work, the
traffics are still limited.
Condition: N/A
10. [BUG FIX]
Symptom: The redirect page of Zero-Configuration has Java script error problem.
Condition: N/A
Symptom: Change ADSL modem code version to
Condition: N/A
Symptom: In MBM feature, limit the depth to be 1, it means all the class must be just
under root.
Condition: N/A
Modifications in V 3.40(QR.2)b2 | 06/28/2004
1. [BUG FIX]
Symptom: In SMT4, and SMT11 the system will limit the usage when VPI is 0 and
VCI is 32 or under.
Condition: N/A
2. [BUG FIX]
Symptom: Static route doesn’t work fine when turning on Any-IP feature
Condition: N/A
3. [BUG FIX]
Symptom: In Web/GUI, if ping an address like " a" the device will ping it