ZyXEL Confidential
wan node index [1-8]
Set the node pointer to specific wan profile. If you want to set
WAN profile, please use this command first, system will use
the index number for pointing to specific PVC (remote node),
and for consequent commands reference, if index = 1 means
it’s ISP node
Menu 11.1
wan node clear
Clear the parameters of the temporary WAN profile
Menu 11.1
wan node ispname [ISP name]
Enable the name of wan node
Menu 11.1
wan node enable
Enable the wan profile
Menu 11.1
wan node disable
Disable the wan profile
Menu 11.1
wan node encap [1483|pppoa|pppoe|enet]
Set the wan protocol
Menu 11.1
wan node mux [vc|llc]
Set the wan multiplex
Menu 11.1
wan node ppp authen [chap|pap|both]
Set PPP authentication type
Menu 11.1
wan node ppp username [name]
Set PPP username
Menu 11.1
wan node ppp password [password]
Set PPP password
Menu 11.1
wan node service [name]
Set PPPoE service name
Menu 11.1
wan node bridge [on|off]
Set the wan bridge mode
Menu 11.1
wan node routeip [on|off]
Set the wan IP routing mode
Menu 11.1
wan node callsch [set1#][set2#][set3#][set4#] Set call schedule set, set number 0 means empty
Menu 11.1
wan node nailedup [on|off]
Set nailed up connection on/off
Menu 11.1
wan node vpi [num]
Set the wan vpi. Range : 0~255
Menu 11.6
wan node vci [num]
Set the wan vci. Range : 32~65535
Menu 11.6
wan node qos[ubr|cbr]
Set the wan QOS type to be UBR or CBR
Menu 11.6
wan node pcr [num]
Set the wan PCR value
Menu 11.6
wan node scr [num]
Set the wan SCR value
Menu 11.6
wan node mbs [num]
Set the wan MBS value
Menu 11.6
wan node wanip [static|dynamic] [address]
Set the wan IP address
Menu 11.3
wan node remoteip [address] [subnet mask] Set the remote gateway IP address and subnet mask
Menu 11.3
wan node nat [off | sua | full] [address
mapping #]
Set type wan NAT mode to be off or SUA or Full feature
Menu 11.3
wan node rip [none|in|out|both]
Set the wan RIP mode and RIP version
Menu 11.3
wan node multicast [none|igmpv1|igmpv2]
Set the wan IP multicast mode
Menu 11.3
wan node filter [incoming|outgoing]
[set #1] [set #2] [set #3] [set #4]
Set WAN filter, incoming or outgoing can be specified, and
filter set can be 1-12, value 0 means empty
Menu 11.5
wan node save
Save the related parameters of WAN node
wan node display
Display WAN profile configuration in buffer
Display Menu 11
ip route addrom index [Rule #]
Select a Static Route index 1-16 to edit
Menu 12.1
ip route addrom name [Name]
Set Rule Name
Menu 12.1
ip route addrom active [on|off]
Set Active or Inactive Flag
Menu 12.1
ip route addrom set [dest address/ mask bits]
[gateway] [metric]
Set IP static route
> ip ro addrom set 2
Menu 12.1
ip route addrom private [yes|no]
Set Private Flag
Menu 12.1
ip route addrom disp
Display both working buffer and Editing Entry
Menu 12.1
ip route addrom freememory
Discard all changes
Menu 12.1
ip route addrom save
Save edited settings
Menu 12.1
ip route addrom clear [Index #]
Clear Static Route Index
Menu 12.1
ip nat addrmap map [map#] [set name]
Select NAT address mapping set and set mapping set name,
but set name is optional
Menu 15.1