P-793H v 2 Support Notes
Start Date
Start date of this schedule rule. It can be unmatched w ith w eekday
setting. For example, if Start Date is 2000/10/02(Monday), but Monday
setting in w eekday can be No.
Forced On
The node w ill alw ays keep up during the setting period. It is equivalent
to disable the idle timeout.
Forced Dow n
The node w ill alw ays keep open during the setting period. The
connected remote node w ill be dropped.
Dial-On-Dem and
The remote node accepts Dial-on-demand during this period.
Dial-On-Dem and
The remote node denies any de mand dial during the period. For the
existing connected nodes, it w ill be dropped after idle timeout and no
triggered up.
Start Tim e/
Start Time and Duration of this schedule
Apply the schedule to the Remote node
Multiple scheduling rules can program in a Remote node, and they have
priority. For example, if we program the sets as 1,2,3,4 in remote node, then
the set 1 will override set 2,3,4. set 2 will override 3,4, and so on.
We can apply the schedule to the remote node in SMT menu 11.1.
For example, if we want to apply the call schedule set 1 to remote node 1, we
could set:
Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile
Rem Node Name= MyISP
Route= IP
Active= Yes
Bridge= No
Encapsulation= PPPoE
Edit IP/Bridge= No
Multiplexing= LLC-based
Edit ATM Options= No
Service Name=
Edit Advance Options= No
Telco Option:
Rem Login=
Allocated Budget(min)= 0
Rem Password= ********
Period(hr)= 0
Schedule Sets= 1
My Login= user
Nailed-Up Connection= No
My Password= ********
Session Options:
Authen= CHAP/PAP
Edit Filter Sets= No
Idle Timeout(sec)= 0
Time Service in P-793H v2
There is no RTC (Real-Time Clock) chip so the P-793H v2 should launch a
mechanism to get current time and date from external server in boot time.
Time service is implemented by the
Daytime protocol (RFC-867)
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