P-793H v 2 Support Notes
24. What is Traffic Redirect ?
Traffic redirect forwards WAN traffic to a backup gateway when the
Prestige cannot connect to the Internet through it's normal gateway.
Thus make your backup gateway as an auxiliary backup of your WAN
connection. Once Prestige detects its WAN connectivity is broken,
Prestige will try to forward outgoing traffic to backup gateway that users
specify in traffic redirect configuration menu.
25. What is Dial Backup?
It is Auto Fail-over and Fall-back WAN Backup Solution.
The P-793H v2 features a Fail-over and Fail-back WAN Backup Solution
for complete reliability. When the DSL connection fails, traffic is forwarded
to either a backup ISDN or analog modem to maintain data exchange.
When the DSL connection is re-established, traffic will be fully restored.
The WAN Backup Solution saves device maintenance cost and reduces
loss from daily operation.
In addition, P-793H v2 also performs backup functions by redirecting traffic to
a specific gateway to ensure availability of the Internet connection.
1. How does DSL compare to Cable modems?
DSL provides a dedicated service over a single telephone line; cable modems
offer a dedicated service over a shared media. While cable modems have
greater downstream bandwidth capabilities (up to 30 Mbps), that bandwidth is
shared among all users on a line, and will therefore vary, perhaps dramatically,
as more users in a neighborhood get online at the same time. Cable modem
upstream traffic will in many cases be slower than DSL, either because the
particular cable modem is inherently slower, or because of rate reductions
caused by contention for upstream bandwidth slots. The big difference
between DSL and cable modems, however, is the number of lines available to
each. There are no more than 12 million homes passed today that can support
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