Adjust 2
Stage Cut-in Time Delay
1. To increase the Y2 and W2 cut-in delay, press and hold the SET and DN buttons
simultaneously. When 03 appears in the display, release the buttons and immediately press
the UP button and hold until the desired delay time is displayed, and release. The time delay
is fully adjustable from 3 - 20 minutes. To verify the change, press and hold the SET and DN
buttons simultaneously until the delay time is shown, and release.
2. To decrease the Y2 and W2 cut-in delay, press and hold the SET and DN buttons
simultaneously. When delay time appears in the display, release the buttons and immediately
press the DN button and hold until the desired delay time is displayed, and release. To verify
the change, press and hold the SET and DN buttons until the delay time is shown, and release.
Configure 2
Stage Cut-in for Time Delay and Thermostat Demand Only
1. Place the 2
stage configuration jumper
on the middle and lower pins - TIME.
2. If the cut-in time delay must be changed from the factory setting of 03 (3 min), follow the above
procedures to raise or lower the time delay value.
3. Verify time delay value by pressing the SET and DN buttons simultaneously.