Automatic pellet burner of series “GP” – description and advantages
is automatic pellet burner, which utilizes wood pellets. The burner is
designed to be installed on already operating heating boilers or other
equipment, thus allowing fuel switch procedure to a renewable energy
sources - biomass. The installed burner operates on wood pellets and the
thermal energy, resulting from the intensive combustion process is directed
to the heat exchange surfaces of a boiler or another thermal consumer.
The kit of the pellet burner of series “GP” consists of:
Main module with detachable grate – 1 sp.;
Fuel transport auger – 1 sp.;
Flexible hose– 1sp. with fixing brackets – 2sp.;
Pair of working gloves – 1sp.;
User manual – 1sp.;
Transport package of the main module – 1sp.;
Transport package of the transport auger – 1sp.;
The burner could utilize following types of fuel
Wood pellets, class ENplus-A1;
Wood pellets, having diameter 6 and 8 mm, categorized in the range
of: A, AB, B (according to the methodology, developed for pellets
properties estimation in pellet burner producer company);
Pre-dried pits (from cherries for example);
Fuel mixture – pellets and pits (for example mixture ratio could be
50% - 50%);
Other solid biomass based pellets, but these fuels need testing and
approval in pellet burner producer company laboratory;
The unit is equipped with
adjustable operating module, which controls the functions of the unit
and is adjustable to the specific needs of a heating system;
auger, which transports fuel from a bunker to the main unit;
fresh air supplying fan, equipped with a Hall sensor, which returns
information to the control unit;
electric heater, which ignites the fuel;
combustion chamber, which gives environment for efficient
combustion process;