Press the Carriage Return (CR hereafter) and the reply "ID=" will appear on
the screen. Type an upper case letter P (as in Program) and press CR.
Although your computer is in Full Duplex mode, you will not see what you
just typed. Instead, the message "Access code ? " has appeared. Type the
four character Program Access Code "ABCD" followed by CR. You are now in
Program Mode.
The Model 16 will not echo data to the screen until the Logon sequence is
complete. There are two reasons for this: the Model 16 does not know what
type of communication protocol is to be established until Logon is
completed, and some protocols will not accept echoed data. The other reason
is to provide a small measure of security against unauthorized persons
learning the access codes to the Paging Terminal.
Paging Terminal
"Access code ?"
upper case
The initial
"ABCD" (all
Program Access code is
upper case)
If the Access code is correct, the Model 16 will perform a short memory
test (to be explained later) and display the Logo and Main Menu.
-- M16 Alpha Terminal VI.01 -- 11/03/91
Copyright (C) 1991 Zetron, Inc.
U User Programming
S System Programming
T Test Functions
Input a letter (CR to exit):
Type the letter appearing next to the menu selection desired. Either upper
or lower case letters are accepted. Pressing CR will always cause a return
to the next higher level menu except here at the Main Menu. A CR here will
indicate that programming is complete and the Model 16 will disconnect.