This manual defines a Data Entry Device as any machine that will accumulate
pager number and message information and pass it in a structured format via
serial transmission to a Paging Terminal.
One type of Data Entry Device is the Alphanumeric Entry Station available
from several manufacturers. As an example, the Zetron Model 105 is
designed as a compact computer with built-in RS-232C interface hardware.
An operator can prepare message pages that are stored in memory, then
instruct the Device to send them to the Paging Terminal. The Device does
this by establishing connection with the Terminal, and transferring the
stored data via the RS-232C port using a structured protocol that allows
error detection. The transaction can consist of multiple pages and is
relatively quick.
The other type of Data Entry Device is more general and varies according to
the paging system. Typically the system operator will already have a
computer storing the subscriber database. It may service a number of
incoming CRT terminals where operators enter pages manually. The computer
references its own subscriber base and passes pages to the Model 16 that
consist of a complete pager capcode and function digit, rather than a User
number. Interface from the computer to the Model 16 is accomplished with
an RS-232C serial connection to the serial port of the Model 16. ' This
allows data transfer rates up to 9600 baud for high paging throughput.
To correctly transfer the paging information to the Model 16, the computer
needs to run a program that implements the data protocol structure
described in "Section 5 - Communications Protocols".
Entry Stations such as the Zetron Model 105 allow the operator to page by
the name of the pager subscriber rather than a pager number. To do this,
the operator must build a directory that includes each name and the pager
ID stored with it. The operator then pages by name but the Entry Station
sends the pager ID to the Paging Terminal.
The Model 16 will accept two different kinds of pager IDs. The Entry
Device must declare when it logs on to the Terminal which kind it will be
sending and all transactions sent until logoff must be that same kind.