background image



Operating the sausage stuffer

Insert the following parts into the mincer body 




 Insert the scroll 


 with the coupling facing inside.


 Fit the insert 


 onto the pin of the scroll 




 Fit the sausage stuffing tube 




 Tightly fit all the elements with the threaded ring 




 Fit the assembled mincer unit onto the drive unit 



turn it until you hear a click of the lock.


 Place the tray 


 on the mincer body 



Soak the casing for about 10 minutes before fitting.

Fit the wet casing on the sausage filler nozzle.



  Make  sure  the  not  to  block  the  ventilation 

openings on the nozzle.


  The  meat  cannot  be  „too  thin”. A  large  liquid 

content may cause its leakage to the inside of 

the mincer.



 Fine grating disc


 Coarse grating disc


 Slicing disc


 Pureeing disc


 Locking tab







The shredder is equipped with two drums to grate into small 

and  bigger  chips  (cheese,  carrot,  celery,  baked  beetroots, 

etc.). The third grating drum (slicing drum) is used to grate 

vegetables  (potatoes,  onion,  cucumbers,  etc.).  The  fourth 

grating  drum  (pulping  drum)  is  used  to  mash  vegetables 

(potatoes, beetroots, etc) and fruit.

Operating the shredder


 Recline the catch 


 and put one of the drums with the 

clutch facing the middle of the chamber.


 Snap the catch 




 Assemble the chamber of the shredder 


 just as like 

mincing chamber.

Cut large products into smaller elements, which you can 


easily put into the mincing chamber.

Do not mash soft fruits containing stones.


When the work is finished pull the power cord out from 


the network supply socket.

Remove the food remaining in the shredder chamber or 


on the grater with a wooden spoon.



Blades  of  the  drums  do  not  require  any 





After the work has been finished

Turn  the  meat  mincer  off  and  pull  the  power  cord  out 


from the network supply socket,


 Remove the pusher 


 and remove the food tray off the 

mincing chamber 


 or the shredder chamber.


 Press the safety lock 


 and turn the mincing set or the 

grating chamber into right and take it off.


 Take  apart  all  the  elements  of  the  mincing  set,  the 

chamber with the sausage stuffer or the shredder.

Cleaning and maintenance

Clean  the  drive  with  a  wet  cloth,  with  an  addition  of 


dishwashing liquid.

Wash the plastic parts in warm water, with addition of the 


dishwashing liquid.

Wash the metal parts in hot water, with addition of the 


dishwashing liquid.

Carefully dry the washed elements.


Grease the screens and the cutter knife with edible oil in 


order to secure them against rusting.

Assemble the dry parts of the mincing chamber or the 



Meat, vegetable and fruit dishes

In  order  to  maintain  the  most  of  the  nutrition  value  of  the 

vegetable  and  fruit  dishes,  familiarise  yourself  with  the 

methods of preparing them. Do not hold vegetables or fruits 

in water and mash them just before serving and eating.

Minced pork chops

50 dag of pork meat, 6 dag of stale bread, 5 dag of onion, 

2 dag of fat, 1 egg, 4 dag of crumbs, oil for frying, salt and 


Soak the bread in water and drain.

Cut the onion in slices, fry until it reaches a golden colour. 

Rinse the meat with water, cut into pieces.

Mince bread, onion and meat twice in the meat mincer, using 

the screen with 4 mm holes. Add the egg, salt, pepper and 

carefully  mix  into  unified  mass.  Form  8  oval  pork  chops, 

1,5 cm thick, which then cover with crumbs. Fry on hot oil.

Pâté made of mixed meat

50  dag  of  pork  meat,  50  dag  of  veal,  40  dag  of  pork  fat, 

50 dag of liver, 30 dag of onion, 20 dag of wheat bun, 4 eggs, 

salt and pepper, nutmeg.

Braise the meat with pork fat and onion. Clean the liver, peel 

the membranes off, dice. When the meat is soft, add the liver, 

bun and braise together for a short time. Let the ingredients 

cool down and mince them twice in the meat mincer, using 

the  strainer  with  4  mm  holes.  To  the  prepared  mass  add 

eggs, salt, peppr, nutmeg and carefully mix.

Grease  the  form  with  lard,  put  the  pâté  into  the  form  and 

bake for abour 40 minutes.


Содержание 687.5

Страница 1: ...Typ Nożyk Sitko Nasadka masarska Zestaw do ciastek i makaronów Szatkownica 2 7 4 8 687 5 687 54 podstawowe wyposażenie dodatkowe wyposażenie do nabycia w sklepach wyposażenie niedostępne w danym wykonaniu Maszynka wyposażona jest tylko w jeden zespół mielący Mechaniczne zabezpieczenie silnika 1 Ślimak 2 Sprzęgło 3 Wkręt M5x20 Maszynka posiada mechaniczne zabezpieczenie które chroni silnik przed zn...

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Страница 3: ...kowaną kapustę wymieszać z rozdrobnionymi jabłkami doprawiając do smaku olejem sokiem z cytryny solą i cukrem Surówka z selera 40 dag selera 20 dag jabłek 2 łyżki oleju lub śmietany sok z cytryny sól cukier Seler zetrzeć na drobne wiórki Doprawić do smaku śmie taną lub olejem Dodać cukier sok z cytryny i sól Ekologia Zadbajmy o środowisko Każdy użytkownik może przyczynić się do ochrony środowi ska...

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Страница 13: ...entru cârnaţi Ansamblu pentru paste şi prâjituri Răzătoarea 2 7 4 8 687 5 687 54 accesorii de bază accesorii suplimentare pe care le puteţi cumpăra în magazine accesoriu inaccesibil în această realizare Maşina este prevăzută numai cu un ansamblu de tocare Sistem mecanic de siguranţă al motorului 1 Spirală 2 Cremalieră 3 Şurub M5x20 Maşina de tocat are o asigurare mecanică care fereşte moto rul să ...

Страница 14: ...tează cablul din priză Cu o lingua de lemn îndepărteză resturile care au rămas în răzătoare sau în dispozitiv Tăişurile răzătoarelor nu necesită regenerare După terminare întrebuinţării După terminarea lucrului deconectează cablul din priză 1 Scoate împingătorul 8 şi vasul de pe dispozitivului pen tru răzuit sau tocat 2 2 Apasă butonu de blocaj 1b învârte în dreapta ansam blul de tocare sau dispoz...

Страница 15: ...hăr Curăţaţi varza răzuiţi o folosind răzătoarea pentru felii sau fulgi mari Decojiţi merele şi răzuiţi folosind răzătoarea pan tru fulgi mari Amestecaţi varza şi merele adăugaţi uleiul sucul de lîmâie sarea şi piperul Salată din ţelină 40 dag ţelină 20 dag mere 2 linguri ulei sai smâmtână suc de lămâie sare zahăr Răzuiţi ţelina folosind răzătoarea pentru fulgi mici Adăugaţi smântâna sau uleiul za...

Страница 16: ... Do not wash the equipment assembled within the drive unit Do not use aggressive detergents in the form of emulsion milk paste etc in order to wash the casing Among others they can remove the informative graphic symbols placed on the meat mincer such as scales marks warning signs etc Hint Information on the product and hints on its use When the work is finished pull the power cord out from the net...

Страница 17: ...dditional equipment which can be bought in shops household appliances stores unavailable accessories The mincer is equipped with one mincing unit Mechanical safety device for the motor 1 Scroll 2 Clutch 3 Screw M5x20 The meat mincer is equipped with mechanical protection which secures the motor against any damage teeth of the coupling break when the meat mincer is overloaded f ex when bones have e...

Страница 18: ... food tray off the mincing chamber 2 or the shredder chamber 2 Press the safety lock 1b and turn the mincing set or the grating chamber into right and take it off 3 Take apart all the elements of the mincing set the chamber with the sausage stuffer or the shredder Cleaning and maintenance Clean the drive with a wet cloth with an addition of dishwashing liquid Wash the plastic parts in warm water w...

Страница 19: ...r slicing or thick chips Mix the sliced cabbage with mashed apples adding oil lemon juice salt and sugar according to one s own taste Celery salad 40 dag of celery 20 dag of apples 2 spoons of oil or cream lemon juice salt pepper Slice the celery into small chips Add cream or oil according to one s own taste Add sugar lemon juice and salt Ecology Environment protection Each user can protect the na...

Страница 20: ...Notes ...
