31 – LSM 880 Training Guide
Using AiryScan
Once our light path has been designed, we can set up our baseline settings for the raw AiryScan data. In contrast to typical
confocal imaging where you fill the dynamic range for optimal contrast; with AiryScan we want to set our sensitivity settings to fill
50% of the total available dynamic range.
From the Acquisition toolbar, expand the blue ‘Channels’ dialog.
Click ‘SR’ airyscan mode.
Note: This mode will automatically set our pinhole and ensure our ‘Optimal’
features are set appropriately.
Start ‘Live’ scan.
Turn on range indicator in Dimensions tab (see page 16).
Set ‘Display’ histogram below image to display 50% of dynamic range by
setting ‘White’ point to 32767 for 16 bit (128 for 8 bit).
Adjust ‘Master Gain’ until brightest areas of the image are just
below saturation.
Note: For further explanation on the use of the range indicator,
please see page 18.
Repeat steps 3-6 for all tracks.