6.22 Wiper Sequence
When you calibrate an optical sensor, you should enable the wipers. This will remove any air bubbles that may get
trapped on the optics and cause false readings. Using the wipers will also verify that the optical probes are working
correctly by observing them make the proper rotations (2 clockwise and 1 counterclockwise). If the sensor does not
rotate properly contact YSI Technical Support.
Typically you should
the optical probe wipers after calibration. The wipers are used to prevent
biofouling during long-term monitoring applications and not needed for most EcoMapper missions. If the wipers are
activated, the sonde will ‘freeze’ the probe readings during the wiping sequence, thus pausing probe readings.
In order to enable the wipe sequence on the optical sensors.
1. Open the ‘Advanced’ menu.
2. Select ‘Sensor.’
3. Select ‘Wipes.’
4. Enter ‘1.’
5. Return to the ‘Sensor’ menu.
6. Select ‘Wipe Interval.’
7. Enter ‘5.’
The Sonde should now wipe 1 time every 5 minutes.
Before deployment. Remove the wipers and set the ‘Wipe’ and ‘Wipe Interval’ to ‘0’ and ‘0’ to disable them from
wiping throughout deployment. Wipers are not necessary for the EcoMapper to collect proper data.
Wipe sequence somewhat depends on which optical probes are installed on your vehicle. However, the ROX Optical
DO probe should always wipe first. If the ROX Optical DO probe does not wipe first please contact YSI Technical