4.5 Retrieval
AUV retrieval method will mostly depend on your retrieval location. If possible, always pick an obstruction free area
that will allow you to easily remove the vehicle from the water. You have several options to choose from for retrieval,
depending on location. Should your vehicle does not return, you may also search for it underwater with a hydrophone.
4.51 From Park
The easiest way to retrieve a vehicle is to program a long park into the end of its mission in an area that you can
establish a WiFi connection. This allows the vehicle to stay a safe distance from shore and in an area easily located on a
map. If you choose to retrieve the vehicle from ‘Park’ mode:
1. Visually confirm that the vehicle has reached its final waypoint.
2. Establish a WiFi connection.
3. In the UVC, click the ‘Stop Mission’ icon.
4. Choose ‘Go On’ and navigate the vehicle manually to your retrieval area. Docks and boats make for good
retrieval areas due to easy access to the AUV’s handle. But if these areas are not possible, you may retrieve
the vehicle from any safe shoreline location.hRemove the vehicle from the water and exit the UVC.
Always avoid reaching for the tail section of the vehicle to avoid personal injury from the prop. Do not
attempt to lift the vehicle by any portion of the tail section. If at all possible, always use the handle to lift the vehicle.
You can leave the vehicle powered on if you intend to transfer data in the near future or power it down to conserve
power. Place the vehicle on its stand as soon as possible to avoid damage.
4.52 From Shore
You may retrieve your vehicle from shore. Again, the easiest method is to park the vehicle offshore in WiFi range and
manually drive the vehicle to you. However, you may choose to ‘beach’ the AUV to ensure its arrival to land.
To beach the AUV, program its last waypoint on shore, with its mission line intersecting the shoreline where you want
to retrieve it. The vehicle will remain under power unless you set a safety rule to abort the mission if the vehicle does
not make headway. If the vehicle is still running its mission, connect to Remote Desktop and choose ‘Stop Mission.’ Be
careful to avoid the prop and always exercise proper lifting technique when you retrieve the vehicle.
Remember, if the vehicle is easy for you to retrieve, either from boat, dock, or shore, the vehicle will also be
vulnerable to curious onlookers. Always try to meet your vehicle at the end of its mission if you are concerned that
people in the retrieval area may attempt to remove the vehicle for the water for any reason.
4.53 If You Cannot Locate the AUV
The EcoMapper is a very advanced piece of technology, but occasionally circumstances outside of both the user and the
vehicle’s control cause the vehicle to not arrive at its final waypoint. Always allow the vehicle more time than allotted
by VectorMap and the UVC to arrive at its mission’s end. Conditions or obstacles may cause the EcoMapper to require
more time to reach its final destination. However, should the vehicle become long overdue, a search may be necessary.
Start by examining the mission map and the mission itself to identify potential problem areas. Begin to search by
checking these areas first. Remember, if the vehicle aborts due to a safety rule, it should float to the surface. Check
the areas around the potential problem areas according to currents and wind direction. If these searches are not
fruitful, you should retrace the mission (in a boat if possible), checking the appropriate areas due to currents and wind
direction. You may want to re-run the mission line first if you do not immediately suspect a problem location.
Due to any number of reasons (however rare), the vehicle may not surface when it encounters a problem:
entanglement, vehicle flooding, collision with a soft bottom or underwater snag, etc. Equipping your vehicle with
Safety Tow Float will greatly reduce the risk of vehicle loss. If your vehicle has a location pinger, you will need to
acquire a hydrophone in order to locate it. If you do not possess a hydrophone, please contact YSI to rent a unit.
The hydrophone is a directional unit that receives underwater pings within a 15 degree zone originating at the unit.