Should the vehicle accidentally leave WiFi range (by either distance or diving), it will continue using the last received
navigation inputs until it reestablishes a connection or realizes it has no signal. If the vehicle has not received a signal in
five seconds, it will shut off its motor and float to the surface (providing it does not catch on an underwater obstacle).
To stop the vehicle completely, exit manual mode by clicking the X at the top, right of the window or click the blue
‘Stop & Close Manual Mode’ button at the bottom of the screen.
4.43 Start Mission
When you are satisfied that the vehicle is positioned so that it can travel directly to its first waypoint (in line-of-sight),
click the green ‘Start Mission’ arrow in the UVC. The vehicle will now begin to operate autonomously,
you may only regain manual control if you click the ‘Stop Mission’ icon in WiFi range. Check the
bottom of the main UVC screen to confirm that GPS, Altimeter, and Compass are receiving information
(indicated when they are green) and immediately exit the Remote Desktop. If you are unsure that your
map is valid or that an obstruction may prevent the vehicle from reaching its first waypoint, you may want to visually
confirm (by following in a boat or with binoculars) that it reaches it’s WP and begins its mission.
If you do not immediately exit the remote desktop, the vehicle will assume that you are attempting to
maintain WiFi contact with it and will stop its motor in the same way it does during manual mode connection loss.
Always exit remote desktop before the vehicle drives out of communication range or dives.