3.624 Power Usage
The ‘Power Usage’ tab allows you to manually input the current status of your vehicle’s battery and plan the mission
accordingly. A fully charged battery has 600 WHr. If your vehicle is not at 100% capacity, enter the vehicle’s actual
charge in the ‘Total Battery Power:’ Box. You can also choose to alter the reserve levels to prompt a visual indicator in
VectorMap when the mission enters your preset reserve level. VectorMap will display a message stating ‘Reserve Power
After WP __’ if you begin to plan your mission in the entered reserve level; the mission lines will also be displayed in
yellow (default color).
The ‘Power Usage List’ also displays the rates at which the vehicle will
consume power in normal circumstances. You may choose to alter these
• Click on a value.
• Delete it with the ‘Erase’ icon. (Designated by a small white
square with a black cross.)
• Input the new values in the ‘Speed:’ and ‘Power:’ boxes.
• Click the ‘Add value’ icon to add the values. (Designated by a
white square with a red oval.)
• You may also input values for speeds not found in the table.
You may save or load a power table at any point. Click the blue ‘Load
Power Table…’ or ‘Save Power Table.’ To save and load text files of your
power tables.
3.625 DVL Log
The ‘DVL log’ tab allows users to alter how VectorMap displays DVL log
data when it is overlayed on a map.
• Sample Constant
- The user-changeable number in the box
reflects how many samples will be averaged to be viewed in the
DVL log pane of VectorMap.
• Current Vector Spacing
- The user-changeable number in the
box reflect how many averaged samples VectorMap will skip
between each one displayed in the DVL log pane.
• Magnitude Representation of Current
- The user-changeable
number in the box reflect how many meters long a water
velocity arrow (on a map’s DVL overlay) will be for every
1 knot measured.
3.626 Vehicles/Instruments
The ‘Vehicles/Instruments’ has three main subsections: Override Vehicle Settings, DVL, and Multibeam. Each one
alters an aspect of how the appropriate device will perform on a mission from VectorMap. Alter each one according to
how you wish the vehicle to perform and/or collect data.
Override Vehicle Settings
Users may alter any of the user-changeable boxes to affect how the vehicle
will perform on the mission you are currently planning.
• WP Success Radius
- Defines how close the vehicle must get to
any WP before continuing to the next WP.
• Park Radius
- Defines how big the park circle is in comparison
to WP Success Radius. 100% of a four meter park circle yields an
inside park radius of 4m and an outside park radius of 8m.
• Delay Mission Start Time
- Time (in seconds) from when a
vehicle receives its mission to the time it commences it.
• Maximum Pitch Angle
- Defines how steep the vehicle may dive.
• User-entered Salinity
- If the vehicle does not have a CT sensor,
enter the measured salinity of the water for data corrections.