IM PX8000-02EN
Select Zoom 2.
Turns the Zoom 2 window display on and off
Select the zoom source window for Zoom 2 (Main, Zoom 1).
When Zoom 1 window is on, select Main or Zoom 1.
Set the zoom position of Zoom 2.
Zoom box 2 that is displayed in the Main window moves to the specified zoom position.
The waveforms in zoom box 2 are displayed in the Zoom 2 window.
Setting the Zoom 2 window
Set the display format (Main, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16).
Moves zoom box 2 to the right edge of the screen (most recent data position)
This is available when Zoom 2 Source (shown above) is set to Main.
Displays the second page of the menu
Press the
Next 1/2
soft key to display the 2/2 menu.
Set the main window’s display ratio (50%, 0%).
Set the window layout (Side, Vertical).
Set the zoom source waveforms.
Select which zoom range: Zoom 1 or Zoom 2.
Change the range for performing automated measurement of waveform parameters.
The range over which automated measurement of waveform parameters is performed is
set to the zoom range of Zoom1 when the Zoom 1 window is on and the zoom range of
Zoom2 when the Zoom 2 window is on.
Displays the first page of the menu
When both Zoom 1 and Zoom 2 window displays are on
Configure auto scrolling.
12.1 Zooming in on or out of Waveforms