<4. Setting converter>
IM 12A01F01-03EN 2nd Edition : Feb. 19, 2019-00
1st/2nd/3rd line
On Main screen you can set parameters to display on/as 1st/2nd/3rd lines/items.
Parameters you can select to display are as follows:
For all measurement: Temperature, Empty
pH, ORP, rH
Conductivity-TC1, Conductivity-TC2, Resistivity-TC1, Resistivity-
TC2, Concentration-TC1, Concentration-TC2
AI, Script
Differential pH, Differential ORP, Differential CONDUCT, Differential RESIST, Differential
DO, Average pH, Average ORP, Average CONDUCT, Average RESIST, Average DO,
Ratio, Passage, Rejection, Deviation, pH calc.(VGB)
Latest revision does not support Script. Do not select Script.
For multiple sensors, arithmetic comes from Sensor 1-1 and Sensor 2-1. In order to activate this function, type of sensors must
be the same between Sensor 1-1 and Sensos2-1. Inappropriate sensor settings cause fail. Note that latest revision does not
support multiple sensor arithmetic.
Inappropriate parameter settings cause configuration fail. When display setting fails, not only the
fail location but all the lines on Main screen show “-” as measured value.
You cannot enter “Empty” at 1st line of Display1-1.
Display name
You can assign 12 characters or less to the display name. Display name is displayed on Home/
Main/Monitor screens.
Additional text 1/2/3
On Main screen, Additional text helps you identify each measurement. However, Hold or Wash
Display are prioritized. When Hold or Wash is being displayed, additional text is not displayed.
Additional text can display up to 12 characters.