<2. Screens>
IM 12A01F01-03EN 2nd Edition : Feb. 19, 2019-00
Figure 2.11
Sample of alarms and Remedy
A: Errors, listed top to bottom in order of seriousness
B: Main alarm (most critical alarm at the moment they happen including sensors’ one)
C: Sensor connection number
D: Title
1: Home (to Home screen)
2: Display switch *3
3: Return (back to a previous page)
4: Scroll (up/down)
, , , are symbols, appearing from left to right according to the importance of an error.
If a converter is assigned, is displayed.
Page switches in order, from screen of Converter to sensors (1-1 through 2-4). Errors of sensors which are not connected would
not be displayed.
To know error settings see 4.7 Error settings.
For the list of errors, read
Modbus communication.