App 2-10
IM CW120-E
Queries all the settings relating to the display digits and unit of
electric energy
Sets/queries the display digits of electric energy
Sets/queries the display unit of electric energy
MEASure Group
Queries all the settings relating to Electric Energy Measure mode
communication-output data
Queries all the settings relating to Electric Energy Measure mode
communication-output data items
:MEASure:INTEgrate:ITEM<Electric Energy Measure mode data item>
Sets/queries whether Electric Energy Measure mode
communication-output data items are set to ON or OFF
Sets all effective Electric Energy Measure mode communication-
output data to ON
Sets all effective Electric Energy Measure mode communication-
output data to OFF
Queries the measurement data item set with a command that
follows the :MEASure:INTEgrate:ITEM query
STATus Group
: STATus?
Queries all the settings relating to the status of the
communication function
Queries the error code and message (head of the error queue)
Queries whether or not to add to the message contents to the
:STATus:ERRor? response
MEMOry Group
Queries all the settings relating to the internal memory
Queries the number of data backed up in the internal memory
Transfers data backed up in the internal memory
CARD Group
Queries all the settings relating to the PC card
Deletes the file that was specified using the :CARD:FILEname
and :CARD:TYPE commands
Queries all the file names that have been set using the
:CARD:TYPE command
Sets/queries the names of all files that reside in the PC card
Formats the PC card
Queries all the settings relating to transfer of a specified range of
file contents
Sets/queries the transfer end point
Transfers the specified range of the contents of the file that was
specified using the :CARD:FILEname and :CARD:TYPE
Appendix 2. Communication Commands