App 2-7
IM CW120-E
Communication Commands
Appendix 2. Communication Commands
• Response messages are always expressed
in the <NR3> form. The default unit is used
without the <Multiplier> or the <Unit>.
<Character Data>
<Character data> is a data of specific
characters (mnemonic). It is mainly used to
indicate options and is chosen from character
strings given in { }. For interpretation rules, see
"Rules of Header Interpretation."
{V1 | V2 | V3}
• As with the header, the COMMunicate:
VERBose command can be used to select a
full response or an abbreviated response.
• The COMMunicate:HEADer command has
no effect on <character data>.
<Boolean> is a type of data that indicates ON or
OFF, and is expressed in one of the following
ON OFF 1 0
• When expressing <Boolean> in <NRf> form,
OFF is selected if the rounded integer value is
"0" and ON is selected if the rounded integer
is "non 0."
• A response message is always "1" if the value
is ON and "0" if it is OFF.
<Character String Data>
<Character string data> is an arbitrary
character string unlike the <character data>,
which uses only specific characters. The
character string must be enclosed in single
quotation marks (') or double quotation marks
<Character string data>
'ABC' "IEE488.2-1987"
• If a character string contains a double
quotation mark ("), use two double quotation
marks (" ") to indicate it. This rule also applies
to a single quotation mark (') within a
character string.
• Response messages always use double
quotation marks (") around the character
• Since <Character string data> is an arbitrary
character string, leaving the end single
quotation mark (') or double quotation mark
(") will cause the CW120 to interpret the
program message unit as part of the
<character string data>. As a result, errors
may not be detected properly.
<Filename> is data that denotes a file name. It
is expressed in one of the following forms.
{ <NRf>|<Character data>|<Character string data>}
• In the <NRf> form, a file name is an ASCIII
code obtained by rounding an 8-digit value
into an integer (for example, "1" denotes
"00000001."). A negative value is not
allowed, however.
• In the <character data> or <character string
data> form, a file name is the first eight
• A response message is always returned in
the <character string data> form.