Protective and Diagnostic Functions
Fuse Blown
The fuse in the main circuit is blown.
The output transistor has failed
because of a short-circuit or ground
fault at the Inverter output.
Check whether there is a short-circuit
between the following terminals. A
short-circuit will damage the output
B1 (
U, V, W
U, V, W
Replace the Inverter after correct-
ing the cause.
Main Circuit Overvoltage
The main circuit DC voltage exceeded
the overvoltage detection level.
200 V Class: Approx. 410 V
400 V Class: Approx. 820 V
400 V)
Approx. 720 V
(E1-01 < 400 V)
The deceleration time is too short and
the regenerative energy from the
motor is too large.
Increase the deceleration time or
connect a braking resistor (or
Braking Resistor Unit). Alterna-
tively, enable (set to 1) the stall
prevention selection during decel-
eration (L3-04).
Motor ground fault
(Ground fault current flowed to the
capacitor in the control circuit of the
Inverter through the power supply.)
Check the output cable, relay ter-
minal, or motor terminal box and
correct the cause of ground fault.
Incorrect constant setting for speed
(The speed search can be performed
during momentary power loss recov-
ery and auto restart after a fault.)
• Use the speed search function.
• Adjust the settings of the Speed
search operating current (b3-02)
and Speed search deceleration
time (b3-03).
• Use the estimated speed search
function. (Perform stationary
autotuning for line-to-line resis-
tance only.)
Improper PG cable connection
(PG noise, PG disconnection)
Check to see if the PG cable is
connected properly.
The regenerative energy when an
overshoot occurs after acceleration is
completed is too large.
In vector control, enable (set to 1)
the overvoltage inhibit selection
The power supply voltage is too high.
Decrease the voltage so it’s within
Main Circuit Undervoltage
The main circuit DC voltage is below
the Undervoltage Detection Level
200 V Class: Approx. 190 V
400 V Class: Approx. 380 V
Main Circuit Magnetic Connector
Operation Failure
The magnetic connector stopped
responding during Inverter operation.
Applicable Inverter Capacities
200 V Class: 37 to 110 kW
400 V Class: 75 to 300 kW
• An open-phase occurred with the
input power supply.
• A momentary power loss occurred.
• The wiring terminals for the input
power supply are loose.
• The voltage fluctuations in the input
power supply are too large.
• A fault occurred in the surge pre-
vention circuit.
• The magnetic contactor in the con-
trol circuit was released (Contact
failure in the auxiliary contact).
• The contact of the magnetic contac-
tor in the control circuit was cor-
roded due to environmental dust or
• Reset the fault after correcting
its cause.
• Improve the power supply envi-
ronment. (Check to see if the
correct power tap is selected.)
• Improve the operating environ-
• Replace the Inverter.
Table 7.1 Fault Displays and Processing (Continued)
Probable Causes
Corrective Actions