Individual Functions
Application Precautions
Be sure to leave the Run Command input ON. If the Run Command is turned OFF, the output will be inter-
rupted and the zero-servo function will become ineffective.
The holding force of the zero-servo is adjusted in b9-01. The holding force will increase if the value of the
setting is increased, but oscillation and hunting will occur if the setting is too large. Adjust b9-01 after
adjusting the speed control gain.
The zero-servo detection width is set as the allowable position offset from the zero-servo start position. Set
4 times the number of pulses from the PG.
The Zero-servo End signal will go OFF when the zero-servo command is turned OFF.
Do not lock the servo for extended periods of time at 100% when using the zero-servo function. Inverter
errors may result. Extended periods of servo lock can be achieved by ensuring that the current during the ser-
volock is 50% or less or by increasing the Inverter capacity.